General Boat Information
This section allows you to store and access all essential details about your boat in one place. Record your boat’s name, owner details, build date, builder, class, type, and dimensions such as LOA, beam, and height. Easily keep track of hull material, registration numbers, and upload images or documents for quick reference. With all this information at your fingertips, managing your boat has never been easier.
Boat Name: Easily identify and manage multiple vessels.
Boat Owner: Store ownership details in one secure location.
Build Date & Builder: Keep records of when and by whom your boat was built.
Class and Type: Record your boat’s classification for easier reference.
Dimensions: LOA, Beam, Height, and Weight recorded for quick reference.
Hull Details: Material, Registration, and Images for complete documentation.
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Insurance Management
Simplify your boat’s insurance with Boat-Hub. Keep track of your insurance provider, policy details, and coverage specifics, including public liability and racing cover. Upload and store your current insurance certificate, monitor the insured value, and receive reminders before your policy expires. Boat-Hub ensures your insurance information is organized and accessible whenever you need it.
Insurance Provider: Store and update provider details.
Current Insurance Certificate: Upload and store your latest policy.
End of Insurance Period: Get reminders before your policy expires.
Insurance Value: Record the insured value of your boat.
Public Liability Amount: Keep liability coverage details handy.
Racing Cover: Note coverage specifics for competitive sailing.
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Engine and Fuel
Effortlessly manage your boat’s engine and fuel details with Boat-Hub. Record engine specifications such as capacity, hours, manufacturer, and serial number, along with images and documents for easy reference. Track fuel type, capacity, and average consumption to monitor efficiency, and log lubricant details for proper engine care. Stay on top of performance and maintenance with everything you need in one place.
Engine Details: Capacity, Hours, Manufacturer, and Serial Number.
Fuel Management: Average Consumption, Type, and Capacity logged.
Lubricant: Log lubricant details for engine care.
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Maintenance Tracking
Stay on top of your boat’s upkeep with Boat-Hub’s comprehensive maintenance tracking. Log last service dates, schedule upcoming maintenance, and document repair details, including costs and responsible crew members. Assess and record damages, track expected repair dates, and maintain a shopping list for required parts or supplies. Boat-Hub keeps your vessel in top condition, making maintenance simple and stress-free.
Maintenance Logs: Track last and next service dates.
Repair Management: Assign responsibilities and track progress.
Damage Assessment: Document and address issues promptly.
Shopping List: Keep track of required parts or supplies.
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Inventory Management
The Inventory Management feature in Boat-Hub allows you to track and organize all your onboard items with ease. Record key details like item name, type, condition, and cost, and categorize them by vendor or usage. Upload images and documents for easy identification and ensure your boat’s inventory is always in top shape. With Inventory Management, you can keep safety equipment, spare parts, and provisions well-organized and ready for any trip.
Item Tracking: Name, Type, and Vendor for categorization.
Condition and Costs: Monitor the state and value of onboard items.
Image/Document Storage: Visualize and document your inventory.
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Trip Logs
The Trip Logs feature in Boat-Hub helps you meticulously record and review all your sailing journeys. Document departure dates, times, destinations, ETAs, and actual hours spent at sea. Ensure safety with pre-departure checklists and log observations or conditions encountered during trips. With Trip Logs, you can analyze past journeys and plan future ones with precision and ease.
Detailed Logs: Record Departures, ETAs, and Destinations.
Safety Features: Ensure all pre-departure checks are complete.
Notes: Add observations or insights for future trips.
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Crew Management
The Crew Management feature in Boat-Hub ensures you can easily organize and track your team. Create detailed crew profiles with names, positions, contact information, and emergency details. Keep records of when crew members joined and their assigned roles on board. With seamless integration into SailPro, managing your crew has never been more efficient or intuitive.
Crew Profiles: Store detailed information and emergency contacts.
SailPro Integration: Sync crew profiles seamlessly.
Track tenure and roles onboard efficiently.